Tom Olin’s body of work speaks for and captures a movement – moments in time of events that happened and the people who made them happen. It lays before us a visual history of the actions and actors in the struggle for equity, access, and respect. These photos give us perspective and context. They connect us with other movements and place us squarely and legitimately in time on the continuum of progress toward human and civil rights for all marginalized people.
Many have seen the value of telling this story in their spaces, on their walls; of bringing our history to life for today’s generation of visitors and advocates. Tom’s images connect our past efforts to those of today, reminding us we are all extensions of the dream, kindred spirit and torch bearers of those who went before. As we move from “rights” to “justice,” as we take on the many issues that remain and the new challenges that rise, these photos provide both role models and “roll” models to remember, emulate, and honor.
These are photos of some of these spaces and installations:
Ability 360 Center
Phoenix, AZ

coming soon
Ford Foundation
New York, NY

Voices For Independence
Erie, PA
Photos used: Capitol Crawl, “Wheels of Justice” March
Design work: Dan Wilkins

Access North Center for Independent Living of Northeastern Minnesota
Hibbing, MN
Photos Used: Signing of the ADA, Capitol Crawl, Regional APTA Busing Protest, Attendant Services Now!, Shutting them Down, The Largest Minority.
Illinois Network of CILs (INCIL)
Springfield, IL
Photos Used: “Wheels of Justice” March, various

National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)
Washington, DC
Photos Used: The Largest Minority, various

Help keep the legacy alive. Consider sharing the story in your space.
If you already have Tom’s images making a difference in your world, please snap a nice pic and share it with us as a .jpg. We’ll add it with whatever information you wish to provide. Thanks!